Remembering that
we are nature.

By opening our Akashic Records we are guided to see from a higher consciousness and become aware of the different energies, wounds & patterns that are creating our reality.

Healing our relationship to our cycle and womb is a profound act of self-love.
Just like the moon lights up the night sky in her different phases – we to travel through an inner journey of transformation each month.
Much wisdom regarding the menstrual cycle has been forgotten and laying dormant within the memory of our being. However now it is rising up once more, calling us to remember our natural rhythm, the energetic pathways that open with each phase and how to support and heal our bodies and spirit with the medicines of the earth.
This workshop is an offering to ALL women who feel the calling to connect with their body and cycle more deeply. And wish to remember the sacred wisdom of how to hold and support each other and themselves during this inner journey.
LOCATION: Online-Meeting

Connecting with the European shamanism is about rediscovering and honoring the medicines of the land and culture and bringing them into relationship with the spiritual wisdom we hold today.
Each moon creates a gateway to reconnect to the voices of nature and a timeless wisdom of how to grow in harmony and connection with the rhythm of earth and her spirits.

Earth-Based teachings & personalized guidance to support your sacred path of healing and expansion.
Sometimes we wish for very individual support while moving within our healing journey. The one-on-one sessions allow for a wider range of tools and guidance to be conveyed while following your unique wishes, rhythm, and needs.

The greatest gift we could ever share with the earth is to be our true authentic selves.
Before we are born into this incarnation our soul shares its dream with the earth and the earth shares her dream with the soul – it is a moment of pure alchemy, as these dreams merge so that they may hold and support the other in its becoming.
As our inner compass, we carry our soul’s dream with us everywhere we go. However, through conditioning and/or trauma, we have often lost touch with this inner knowing and the gifts we carry and are here to share.
Who are we when we let go of what is expected of us and become who we truly are inside?
Rebirthing our true selves is a journey, but one truly worth embarking on.
And even though this path is unique to each of us and can only be walked by us alone. It's sometimes nice to have some company along the way and a bag full of tools that can support us in challenging moments.
All that I share within my work has helped me walk this path for the last seven years. The tools, knowledge, and methods of inner work are what helped me ground, grow, release, heal, forgive, accept, and harmonize. And to learn to embrace and love my unique self ever more deeply.
This path is a life journey of discovery and I continue to unfold within it and my work with me.