Akashic Record Reading
By opening our Akashic Records we are guided to see from a higher consciousness and become aware of the different energies, wounds & patterns that are creating our reality.

The Akashic Records
The Akashic Records hold the memories of all life that has ever existed from the very beginning of the universe. The word Akasha is a Sanskrit word that holds the meaning of - primordial substance - and refers to the primary energy of creation from which all originated.
For each of us, the Akashic Records hold the imprint of every step our soul has taken since its separation from the source. These memories are not only tied to our earth's lifetimes, but every lifetime ever lived and experienced by our soul.
Opening your personal Records
By opening our Akashic Records we are guided to see from a higher consciousness and become aware of the different energies, wounds, and patterns that are creating our reality and experiences.
We all hold our past lives, present life, and ancestral memories within our physical and energetic bodies and are influenced by them all the time.
By becoming aware of the energies that are creating our life and sometimes difficult situations, we become empowered to choose for ourselves if we wish to continue to be influenced by these wounds and patterns. Or if we are ready to heal and integrate them and begin embodying new and empowering ways to move forward in our lives.
During the reading, your guides may provide a healing map with tools that will support you during your process of integration. After the Akashic Reading, you will receive the healing map and I will share all the tools in detail mentioned in the reading.

What an Akashic Reading
with me will look like
Reach out by Email and we will connect and find a date and time to meet Online.
For the reading, I will need your name as it was written on your birth certificate.
Until our meeting, you will have space to tune into the questions you would like to ask. There is space for three questions in one reading.
The Reading will last around 1,5 to 2 hours but it's good to keep time free after to let everything settle and integrate.
After the reading, there is space to share and you will receive the healing map with the tools provided during the reading.