The 12 Celtic moons are a doorway for the indigenous wisdom of Europe to be woven back into consciousness.
Long ago the people of Europe lived deeply interconnected with the earth, the spirits of nature, and the animals and plants that lived and grew around them. Yet much of their wisdom has been forgotten and lost to us.
Connecting with European shamanism is about rediscovering and honoring the medicines of the land and culture and bringing them into a relationship with the spiritual wisdom we hold today.
The 13 Celtic moons also hold space for people of European origin to rediscover and reconnect with this aspect of their ancestral lineage and indigenous roots.

Within this offering, we will travel through:
The 12 moons of the Celtic year held by their wisdom, power animals, and magical plants
The sacred and Feminine Ecology,
The shamanic Medicine Wheel and much more
Each moon creates a gateway to reconnect to the voices of nature and a timeless wisdom of how to grow in harmony and connection with the rhythm of the earth and her spirits.
You can join this offering at any moment during the year.
All online materials will be accessible for you to move through in your own rhythm and time - this course is fully self-paced.
It will be completed when the materials of all twelve moons have been opened and accessed.